The exceptionalism of Romanian socialist television and its implications


  • Alexandru Matei “Ovidius” University of Constanţa
  • Annemarie Sorescu- Marinković Institute for Balkan Studies


Słowa kluczowe:

socjalistyczne studia nad telewizją, Rumunia, telewizje narodowe


During recent years, the study of European televisions has rediscovered socialist television, and we have witnessed a rapid rise in scholarly interest in a new field of research: socialist television studies. On the whole, this recent body of literaturę presents two main new insights as compared to previous studies in the field of the history of Western television: on the one hand, it shows that European television during the Cold War was less heterogeneous than one may imagine when considering the political, economic and ideological split created by the Iron Curtain; on the other hand, it turns to and capitalizes on archives, mostly video, which have been inaccessible to the public. The interactions between Western and socialist mass culture are highlighted mainly with respect to the most popular TV programs: fiction and entertainment.

The authors give us an extraordinary landscape of the Romanian socialist television. Unique in the Eastern part of Europe is the period of the early 1990s. Upon the fall of the communist regime, after almost 15 years of freezing, TVR found itself unable to move forward.


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Jak cytować

Matei, A., & Sorescu- Marinković, A. (2018). The exceptionalism of Romanian socialist television and its implications. Panoptikum, (20), 168–192.