Usidlić smak słowami – o spisku kucharzy


  • Agnieszka Sosnowska


A kitchen and a pure process of cooking is used as the ground for developing an analogy between the way in which we consume dishes and in which we become consumers of selected pictures. The criterion which allows the author to put together those two orders, is the taste understood as the fact or condition of liking or preferring something determined by the subjective pleasure that one takes from it. As it is said, in the matter of taste there is no discussion. It is difficult to find criteria which everyone would accept. Immanuel Kant already noticed the mysteriousness of this term and the difficulty to explain its meaning. He thought that aesthetic judgments can be both subjective and universal. The article tries to define taste in the negative way – through things which we don’t want to look at, which we avoid in creating representations in public space - and connect it with the structure of our cognition.





Jak cytować

Sosnowska, A. (2008). Usidlić smak słowami – o spisku kucharzy. Panoptikum, (7), 350–356. Pobrano z