Spojrzenie androida. Analiza diegetycznego interfejsu w grze NieR: Automata
https://doi.org/10.26881/pan.2020.24.05Słowa kluczowe:
video games, NieR: Automata, interface, diegetic interface, glitchAbstrakt
The aim of this article is to show how the user interface in video game NieR: Automata (N:A) is used as a narrative device. The author analyzes how the title tells a complex story through unconventional usages of different medium’s elements, often perceived as invisible tools. Presenting the story from the perspective of three androids, the game uses interface and system settings for narrative purposes and at the same time they are used to propose a look at a posthuman experience. The author claims that through glitches and other system’s flaws N:A naturalizes a mediated interface and allows the player to more intensively experience the story.
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