Spojrzenie androida. Analiza diegetycznego interfejsu w grze NieR: Automata


  • Magdalena Kozyra Uniwersytet Jagielloński



Słowa kluczowe:

video games, NieR: Automata, interface, diegetic interface, glitch


The aim of this article is to show how the user interface in video game NieR: Automata (N:A) is used as a narrative device. The author analyzes how the title tells a complex story through unconventional usages of different medium’s ele­ments, often perceived as invisible tools. Presenting the story from the perspec­tive of three androids, the game uses interface and system settings for narrative purposes and at the same time they are used to propose a look at a posthuman experience. The author claims that through glitches and other system’s flaws N:A naturalizes a mediated interface and allows the player to more intensively experience the story.



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Jak cytować

Kozyra, M. (2020). Spojrzenie androida. Analiza diegetycznego interfejsu w grze NieR: Automata. Panoptikum, (24), 56–67. https://doi.org/10.26881/pan.2020.24.05