In Between Fact and Fiction. Queering the Borders of Documentary and Fiction


  • Philipp Blum University of Zurich


Słowa kluczowe:

Documentary and Fiction, Identity of Film, Genre and Genre Concepts, Self-Reflexivity and Performativity of Film


The essay focuses on films between documentary and fiction, and their categorization by both film theory and audiences, particularly in the case of so-called mockumentaries. Using a semiotic and pragmatic perspective, I examine these films as practices of negotiating audiovisual identity in terms of genre. Drawing on Judith Butler’s concept of “queer”, I aim to describe the blurring of boundaries and the binary representation of fact and fiction in audiovisual media.


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Jak cytować

Blum, P. (2023). In Between Fact and Fiction. Queering the Borders of Documentary and Fiction. Panoptikum, (29), 39–51.