Activation of a child’s subjectivity in the upbringing space of free self-determination on the basis of pedagogy of freedom


  • Alla Rastrygina Central Ukrainian Volodymyr Vynnychenko State Pedagogical University


Słowa kluczowe:

podmiotowość, edukacyjna przestrzeń swobodnego samostanowienia, zasady pedagogiki wolności, elementy środowiska pedagogicznego


The article updates the problem of reconstruction of the modern upbringing process, the leading idea of which is the targeting of its goals, content, forms and methods at self-development of a child and the becoming of a child’s subjectivity as an active, purposeful, initiative, creative and constructive position in his or her own livelihoods on the basis of humanistic values of a democratic society. The conceptual provisions of the author’s concept of freedom pedagogy have become the starting point in solving the mentioned problem.

There have been defined the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of a child’s subjectivity, the realization of which requires the establishing within the educational environment of an educational institution the upbringing space of free determination of a personality as a specially organized pedagogical environment, containing three basic components (spatial, socio-psychological and organizational-pedagogical) and provides opportunities for manifestation of initiative, volitional, creative, self-managerial forms of subjective activities of a personality. The basic approaches to the organization of the upbringing process on the basis of freedom pedagogy have been defined: pedagogy of indirect upbringing influence (directed freedom) and pedagogy of assistance (support).


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Jak cytować

Rastrygina, A. (2020). Activation of a child’s subjectivity in the upbringing space of free self-determination on the basis of pedagogy of freedom. Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji, 49(2), 60–70.



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