Rodzice o dobrej publicznej szkole dla swoich dzieci. Fenomenograficzna ilustracja
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
dobra edukacja, szkoła publiczna, badanie fenomenograficzne, instrumentalizm, rodzice dzieci w wieku wczesnoszkolnymAbstrakt
The purpose of this article is to try to empirically face the phenomenon of a good public school. However, not by following legislation demonstrating its public status, but by means of a simple question addressed to the parents of pupils in grades I to III as to how this phenomenon is understood by them. Based on a conversation with her parents, the author has made a phenomenographic reconstruction of the concepts behind the importance of a good public school. It turned out that, according to the parents, a good public school is identified with modern teaching methods (a), it is treated as an instrument for preserving the social status of the student (b), a tool for conveying the desired values (c), its meaning lies in shaping the disposition to learn. The author shows that in a cultural sense, the revealed categories of description show that it is difficult for us still to go beyond instrumental rationality in search of the meaning of a modern good public school and public good education.
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