Kształtowanie przez dzieci form przestrzennych – doniesienie z badań
Słowa kluczowe:
rzeźba, dzieci, formy przestrzenne, doniesienie z badańAbstrakt
The theoretical considerations raised in this article relate to the educational values of perceiving sculptures by children, and shaping spatial forms of plasticine by them. After describing the research procedure, the results were also presented of empirical studies conducted by the author (constituting only a portion) based on an analysis of sculptural works made by children. They included: 1. Determining the age when children master the skill of forming spatial forms on a given topic, 2. Determining the formal characteristics including the skill of modeling by children in successive age groups, 3. Separation of stages (table 1) of development of the forms made by 3- to 9-year-olds. The whole is summed up by conclusions.