Edukacja matematyczna w wybranych programach wychowania przedszkolnego
In this article preschool education programmes are analyzed which in 2009 were awarded by the Polish Ministry of National Education. The central points of this analysis are the issues of mathematics teaching. The analysis should answer the question of how the goals and specific content of mathematics education are presented in selected programmes. In the first part the language has been analysed in which different parts of the programmes were written. The authors, through their use of language, show us the role of the child and the teacher in the process of upbringing and educating. Significant is also the essential side of the used terminology. Finally, the internal consistency of each of the documents is taken into account. This study shows that the programmes use mostly the language skills that reveal the leading role of the teacher in upbringing and educating. The child frequently becomes the recipient of contents and is assessed on the amount of knowledge assimilated. Factual and linguistic errors appear in these programmes which the Ministry of Education thought could be the basis of pre-school teaching.
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