Opowieść robak toczy
Jakub Woynarowski limits the plot of his comic book based on Schulz’s fiction to a minimum: the composition consists of full-page planes while balloons have been replaced by micro-narration. Placing the quotes from Schulz beneath or above the pictures and reducing colors to black, white, and glaring orange suggest a return to the beginnings of the comic book, when it was just a story in pictures, subservient to a literary text. However, Woynarowski adjusts Schulz to his own strategy, offering the reader a self-exposing approach to the problems of neo-conceptualism, rather than an original interpretation of Schulz’s works.
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Panowsky Edwin. 1957. Meaning in the Visual Arts. Garden City: Doubleday & Company.
Sandauer Artur. 1957. Rzeczywistość zdegradowana (Rzecz o Brunonie Schulzu). W Bruno Schulz. Sklepy cynamonowe. Sanatorium pod Klepsydrą. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie.
Schulz Bruno. 1957. Sklepy cynamonowe. Sanatorium pod Klepsydrą. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie.
Szyłak Jerzy. 2013. Komiks w szponach miernoty. Warszawa: Timof Comics.
Woynarowski Jakub, Bruno Schulz. 2014. Martwy sezon: na motywach twórczości Brunona Schulza. Kraków: Korporacja Ha!art.
Woynarowski Jakub. 2009. Historia ogrodów. Świat bezpodmiotowy. www.komiks.polter.pl/Historiaogrodow-c20112.
Woynarowski Jakub. 2010. Manggha. Kraków.
Woynarowski Jakub. 2011. „Orbis Pictus”. Ha!art 34: Story Art. www.ha.art.pl/wydawnictwo/zapowiedzi/4126-martwy-sezon