Dwa nieznane opowiadania Brunona Schulza
Słowa kluczowe:
Bruno Schulz, nieznane opowiadanie, archiwum, Wielka Wojna, literatura niemieckojęzycznaAbstrakt
A short commentary by the discoverer of two German-language “frontline” stories by Bruno Schulz: “Pfennig mit dem Auge” and “Du bist Staub. Kriegskizze,” that appeared in 1917 and 1918 in the Cetinjer Zeitung, published in Montenegro occupied by the Austro-Hungarian army. The newspaper was issued twice a week in German, though occasionally Hungarian, Croatian, and Albanian editions were published too. The articles it included were usually tributes to the Emperor’s throne or reports on the current situation on the front. Each Sunday issue included also a cultural section titled Illustrierte Cetinjer Zeitung. Most contributors were young people who presented their works to the public for the first time. Still, the editors cared to print also the texts by such authors as Anton Chekhov, Oscar Stjerne, Herman Hesse, Ferenc Molnár, Arkady Averchenko, Ivan Vazov, Maria Luisa Becker, and Max Osborn. Both stories signed with the name “Bruno Schulz” were found during research at the Österreichische National Bibliothek.
Döblin, A. 2000. Podroż po Polsce. Przeł. A. Wołkiewicz. Kraków.
Schulz, B. 1918. „Du bist Staub. Kriegsskizze”. Cetinjer Zeitung 199.
Cetinjer Zeitung 1916–1918. Österreichische National Bibliothek. Sygnatura: 531.602-E NEU.
Schulz, B. 1917. „Pfennig mit dem Auge”. Illustrierte Cetinjer Zeitung 44.
Stančic, M. 2013. „Verschuttete Literatur”. Die deutschsprachige Dichtung auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen Jugoslawien von 1800 bis 1945. Böhlau Verlag.