Wodzieradzcy herbu Gąska z Sieradzkiego
https://doi.org/10.26881/sds.2022.25.14Słowa kluczowe:
House of Gąsk, genealogical links, SieradzkieAbstrakt
In the Sieradz Province, the House of Gąsk was concentrated in several areas: in the vicinity of Błaszki (Wójcice), Gruszczyce (Równa), Sędziejowice (Lichawa, Kamostek, Sycanów), Marzenin (Pruszków, Dobra, Wola Rososza), and Drużbin (Rzechta). The Wodzieradzki family had a small estate including the villages of Wodzierady and areas in Dziechtarzew, Chorzeszów and Dobruchów. The centre of the estate was Wodzierady, in which Krzesław probably built a fortress [fortalicium]. Six generations of Wodzieradzki resided there in the years 1398–1559. The figure of Krzesław stands out most in the family history. He took part in the battle with the Teutonic Knights at Chojnice (1454), and towards the end of his life became kasztelan Konarski (senator) of Sieradz (1491–1497).