Walory apologetyczne i retoryka "Kazań" ks. B. Maryańskiego


  • Kamila Szada-Borzyszkowska Uniwersytet Gdański


Priest B. Maryański is the author of three collections of sermons: Kazania o Najświętszym Sakramencie (Płock 1898), Kazania o wychowaniu dzieci (Płock 1898) and Kazania przygodne (Płock 1900). Current preaching activity of Priest B. Maryańskiego a rich catalog of practical-pastoral guidance, coming from him, and then delivered in published collections of sermons. A major initiative, which was driven by Priest B. Maryańskiemu was education in the Catholic spirit of the people and nation, shaping and developing citizenship in them. Words were primarily directed to the simple people that saw their faults, sins, and quickly repented from them. The content of all three sets of issues of sermons is concerned with key problems of faith, custom, education end national tradition.


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Jak cytować

Szada-Borzyszkowska, K. (2013). Walory apologetyczne i retoryka "Kazań" ks. B. Maryańskiego. Język – Szkoła – Religia, 7(2), 153–163. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/JSR/article/view/630



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