Experiment as a radio genre


  • Natalia Kowalska University of Lodz


experiment, radio genres, radio art


The main aim of this article is to describe the nature of radio experiment, its genre pattern and relations with modern radio art and to define the ruling principles of this form. Literature Theory, journalism genres (both press and radio), genre’s pattern theory will be the referring points for this study.  Radio experiment can be understood as an autonomic radio genre, even though it is a very complex and internally diverse form. Experimental forms have been always outside of the mainstream radio research although they had an influence on the development of radio genres in the past and their contemporary form. This article describes the matters of structure, aesthetics and non-aesthetics in the field of audio experiment. 


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How to Cite

Kowalska , N. . (2019). Experiment as a radio genre. Media Business Culture, (2(7), 41–51. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/MBK/article/view/4950


