The fourth power? Women in media and in the journalistic profession – equality contexts


  • Alina Balczyńska-Kosman Adam Mickiewicz University


women, power, gender equality


Starting from the mid-nineteenth century, along with technological progress and the pursuit of equality between women and men, the processes of feminization of the press market has intensified. The issue of gender equality and the separation of powers in the media sector is closely related to the activity of women in the public sphere. These days, despite the apparent equality in the media of mass communication, the participation of women in the key decision-making processes in the media, or their presence on the boards of media companies, remains lower than in the case of men. This paper deals with the concept of ”the fourth power”, relating it to the contemporary journalistic activity of women. The article spotlights the diverse dimensions of women’s activities in the media and their real impact on the audience. In conclusion, the need for equal participation of women and men in media communication processes was accentuated.


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How to Cite

Balczyńska-Kosman, A. (2020). The fourth power? Women in media and in the journalistic profession – equality contexts. Media Business Culture, (2(9), 151–162. Retrieved from


