Smart city and COVID-19. Using new media in the face of the pandemic


  • Jacek Mikucki University of Warsaw


smart city, media in smart city, new media, media in the city


This article aims at examining the use of the potential of media in the urban space in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic on the example of the largest city in Poland – Warsaw. The author analyses the so-called new media, which were created on the basis of information and communication technologies, paying attention to both the channel (soft infrastructure) and the medium (hard infrastructure). The main research method is the case study of the mentioned city, which allows identifying good and bad practices in the use of new media in the city and the strategic objectives of the analysed cities. The study is based on the analysis of literature, strategic documents, brochures and websites. The research hypothesis is that the city authorities of Warsaw, adapting the smart city strategy during the pandemic, develops a communication system based on the Internet platform. The research results show that the municipal authorities in Warsaw are implementing the smart city concept by using new forms of media and technology as both targets and tools for its implementation. During the pandemic, the city’s various digital media were developed with content dedicated to COVID-19, and activities dedicated to informing and communicating with residents are undertaken through Warszawa 19115 platform.


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How to Cite

Mikucki, J. . (2021). Smart city and COVID-19. Using new media in the face of the pandemic. Media Business Culture, (2(11), 75–95. Retrieved from


