The Attitudes of Internet Users to Vaccines During the Pandemic on the Basis of Selected Memes


  • Magdalena Pataj Maria Curie-Sklodowska University


vaccines, memes, prosumer, pandemic, health communication


The aim of this article is to discuss the attitudes exhibited by internet users to vaccines during the pandemic. It is assumed here that the activities of internet users fall within the general category of the activity of media users, while memes are a way to manifest the users’ attitude to specific issues. The article employs the active audience theory and elaborates on the phenomenon of internet memes as a key category of research. The research material comprises messages posted on that are subject to content analysis. The material is first categorized on the basis of its connection to the COVID-19 pandemic. Subsequently, the internet users’ attitudes are determined – whether they support or reject vaccinations – and the implications of particular messages are analysed. The research results make it possible to pinpoint the attitude of a given group to the issue of vaccination. Further, they show that health issues are often a starting point for a broader discussion (and critique) on the level of political communication.


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How to Cite

Pataj, M. . (2021). The Attitudes of Internet Users to Vaccines During the Pandemic on the Basis of Selected Memes. Media Business Culture, (2(11), 217–228. Retrieved from


