”Political Review” in the years 1989–2000. Part 3. Liberal revolution


  • Konrad Knoch University of Gdansk; European Solidarity Centre


history of Gdansk press, history of Polish liberalism, liberalism, Political Review, privatization


The article describes how the ”Political Review” wanted to promote the liberal revolution in Poland. Debates on capitalism, postulated reforms, mainly in the economic dimension included in the Review are described. The phenomenon of privatization, decentralization and settlements with the liberal revolution in Poland in the first half of the 1990s is also analysed. The evolution and profile change of the magazine is also presented. At the end, the role and significance of the ”Political Review” is summarized and its journalistic achievements are assessed.


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„Przegląd Polityczny” 1991–2000, nr 13–46.

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How to Cite

Knoch, K. (2018). ”Political Review” in the years 1989–2000. Part 3. Liberal revolution. Media Business Culture, (2(5), 81–97. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/MBK/article/view/8046



Media and Politics