The conundrums of play – a theoretical look at games and when gamification can work


  • Maciej Krajewski University of Gdansk


games, play, play origins, players, gamification


Because of increasing frequency of implementing gamification mechanisms by companies (small and large), there appears to be a growing concern about such actions. They are criticized for their simplicity, intrusiveness and a kind of infantilization of a given activity. Mostly, however, bad gamification is caused by incorrect or incomplete understanding of the very essence of play. The purpose of this article is therefore to gather, analyse and interpret the existing theory in the discussed matter and try to answer: what makes gamification work as intended?


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How to Cite

Krajewski, M. (2018). The conundrums of play – a theoretical look at games and when gamification can work. Media Business Culture, (2(5), 185–196. Retrieved from




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