The “identity media” narrative and the attitudes towards the Other. The social dilemma and the research problem


  • Małgorzata Lisowska-Magdziarz Uniwersytet Jagielloński


identity, essentialism, identity media, xenophobia, patriotism


The concept of the so-called identity media does change the role and obligations of the journalism in democracy, and proposes the closed-off version of patriotism as the opposition to the multicultural world. It also imposes the defensive, distrustful attitude towards the Other. Different iterations of this concept make it the dangerous social phenomenon, but also constitute the interesting research problem. The role of this short article is the introduction to ensuing three bigger publications, dealing with the issue from different points of view.


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How to Cite

Lisowska-Magdziarz, M. (2018). The “identity media” narrative and the attitudes towards the Other. The social dilemma and the research problem . Media Business Culture, (1(4), 47–52. Retrieved from



Ethics in the Media and Exclusion