Wojciech Tochman – refugee’s social spokesman. Netnographic analysis


  • Agnieszka Całek Jagiellonian University


Wojciech Tochman, refugees, refugee crisis, Facebook, netnographic


The article is about refugees in the Polish Internet media. The first part is about refugee crisis in Europe. Further, the author presents the results of new media analysis focused on the refugee image in information. This is an explanation of three narrations – two dominating(dehumanization and demonization) and one marginal. The second part is about Polish journalist Wojciech Tochman who represents the marginal narration. He uses his Facebook profile as a tool for supporting refugees’ case. The reporter plays a role of refugees’ social spokesman. This article presents netnographic analysis of his activities on Facebook.


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How to Cite

Całek, A. (2018). Wojciech Tochman – refugee’s social spokesman. Netnographic analysis. Media Business Culture, (1(4), 71–82. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/MBK/article/view/8064



Ethics in the Media and Exclusion