Czech and Slovak bilingualism in the media


  • Anna Hurajová University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava


bilingualism, semi-communication, Czech-Slovak bilingualism, language contact, media


The article deals with the specific cultural and language relations between the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. It especially focuses on the interlingual relations between the two states, taking into account the peculiarities of Czech-Slovak bilingualism in the media against the background of the social changes after the split of Czechoslovakia. The distinction between bilingualism and semi-communication is explained. Attention is paid to interlingual relations, especially the presence of perceptive bilingualism, the divergence of the two languages, the cultural exchange between the two nations, and the status of the Slovak language in the Czech media environment – namely its presence on TV, the radio, in the press and in cultural life in general.


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How to Cite

Hurajová, A. (2017). Czech and Slovak bilingualism in the media. Media Business Culture, (2(3), 31–41. Retrieved from



Media in Social and Political Life