‘Political Review’ in 1989–2000. Part 1. Organizational and publishing problems


  • Konrad Knoch Uniwersytet Gdański, Europejskie Centrum Solidarności


history of Polish press, history of Gdańsk press, history of Polish liberalism, liberalism, ‘Political Review’


The article presents organizational problems of the ‘Political Review’ in the years 1989–2000, which were connected with the political transformation and the evolution of the journal, which for the fall of communism was Gdańsk underground liberal almanac. The text describes how the ‘Review’ resumed and characterized the graphic design as well as the structure of the magazine. It also discussed the financial problems of the periodical, the rules of operation of the editorial team, and problems related to printing and distribution of the title in that period. An important element which the text was based on was an interview with Wojciech Duda, who has been associated with the magazine from the very beginning since 1983 and remains its editor-in-chief.


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How to Cite

Knoch, K. (2017). ‘Political Review’ in 1989–2000. Part 1. Organizational and publishing problems. Media Business Culture, (2(3), 57–70. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/MBK/article/view/8693



Media in Social and Political Life