School students set an example – press extracts in the chronicles of folk schools (as exemplified within the districts of Tczew, Starogard, and Malbork)


  • Aneta Lewińska University of Gdansk


school chronicles, press extracts, genology


The article concerns the press extracts printed in four chronicles of folk schools within the districts of Tczew, Starogard and Malbork. The author discusses the functions of extracts printed in the studied chronicles and carries out an ethnolinguistic analysis of the collected data. The subject matter of the chronicle articles, embracing the life of the school, the village, the commune, the nearest area, as well as the occurrences in Poland and in the world, enables to reconstruct the part of the depiction of the world seen from two perspectives – of the journalist, creator of the printed press article, and of the chronicle’s author.


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How to Cite

Lewińska, A. (2017). School students set an example – press extracts in the chronicles of folk schools (as exemplified within the districts of Tczew, Starogard, and Malbork). Media Business Culture, (1(2), 149–164. Retrieved from



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