Game of Thrones’ Fandom. Power and culture in fan communities



fan, fandom, Game of Thrones, cultural studies


Fans represent a shift in media consumption, and their patterns of behaviour are increasingly visible outside their communities, in other groups. With the observed shift towards a network society, of which fandoms are an emanation, the field of social conflict begins to operate within culture. Cultural power over media products no longer belongs only to the creators, but is also influenced by the users, who cease to passively consume products, creatively interpreting tchem and engaging in their development. The aim of the article was to show this process on the example of content analysis of internet entries created within the environment of the Game of Thrones fandom, including speculations which the fans of the brand carried out in the context of the plot development.


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How to Cite

Piórecka, K. (2023). Game of Thrones’ Fandom. Power and culture in fan communities. Media Business Culture, (1(14), 19–34. Retrieved from


