The discussion around the climate crisis as a struggle for meaning. An analysis of selected texts functioning in the domain of popular culture
excorporation, climate crisis, greenwashing, popular cultureAbstract
The article addresses the problem of the discussion around counteracting the effects of the climate crisis and presents the conflict between two potential ways of solving it: the first one based on the basis of the unrestricted market and the second one based on administrative and political changes. The author refers to the theory of excorporation and incorporation of cultural commodities, the phenomenon of greenwashing and the critique of neoliberalism, to describe the the supporters of political changes’ changing way of articulating their opposition. The subjects of the analysis are texts functioning in the sphere of popular culture: the communication of the fashion giant H&M and statements by Thomas Lauren Friedman and Greta Thunberg, representative of both approaches to fighting the negative changes in the climate.
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