The relationship between art education and the physical and mental health of the elderly in Poland and abroad


  • Krystyna Kacprowska SGH Warsaw School of Economics



elderly people, music education, dance education, choreotherapy, art therapy, music therapy


The author of the article discusses the impact of artistic activities on the physical and mental health of elderly people. She describes the correlation between music and dance and the well-being and mental development of seniors. Both Poland and other countries organize classes in choreotherapy, art therapy and music therapy to support this social group. The author pays special attention to the functions of artistic activities and their importance for human health. In this article, she presents three forms of therapy for seniors which are organized in Poland and abroad: choreotherapy, art therapy, and music therapy. The article also includes descriptions of government programmes designed to support active older adults.


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Author Biography

Krystyna Kacprowska, SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Krystyna Kacprowska – studentka studiów magisterskich na kierunku zarządzanie finansami przedsiębiorstwa oraz doktorantka w dyscyplinie nauki o polityce i administracji Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie. Ukończyła studia magisterskie na kierunku lingwistyka stosowana (angielski z rosyjskim) na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim oraz studia podyplomowe z zakresu negocjacji i mediacji na uczelni SWPS w Warszawie. W 2021 roku została ogłoszona przez Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego oraz Niezależne Zrzeszenie Studentów finalistką Studenckiego Nobla 2021 w kategorii dziennikarstwo i literatura.


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How to Cite

Kacprowska, K. (2021). The relationship between art education and the physical and mental health of the elderly in Poland and abroad. Progress, (9-10), 163–173.