The tourism sector in the face of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic


  • Paweł Laskowicz University of Gdansk



COVID-19, tourism, accommodation industry, pandemic, crisis


This article discusses the essence of changes taking place in the tourism sector, in the light of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This topic is new and dynamic, and the subject matter is very complex. The choice of the topic was motivated by the fact that the relationship between tourism and the COVID-19 pandemic is now the hub of international discussions and the subject of many scientific studies, primarily because tourism is one of the world’s most important employers (1 in 10 jobs is directly related to tourism) and the main source of GDP in many countries. In the preparation of this article, English-language literature and specialist reports were mainly used, which focused mostly on the analysisof the negative effects of the pandemic for the economic system and on the assessment of the strategies of individual countries in times of crisis. This article describes the impact of the pandemic on the functioning of the tourism sector. The consequences of the decline in the mobility of society for the accommodation services industry and, briefly, for the aviation industry are also analysed. The new reality of the tourism sector in the pandemic era are characterized as well as the way to rebuild tourism in the future.


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Author Biography

Paweł Laskowicz, University of Gdansk

Paweł Laskowicz – magister ekonomii na Wydziale Ekonomicznym Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. Obecnie jest studentem II roku studiów magisterskich na kierunku Zarządzanie, na Wydziale Zarządzania UG. Jego zainteresowania naukowe to przede wszystkim geopolityka, inwestycje i rynek nieruchomości oraz ekonomiczne aspekty turystyki.


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How to Cite

Laskowicz, P. (2021). The tourism sector in the face of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Progress, (9-10), 174–183.