Reviewing procedure

All articles submitted to the journal are subject to initial verification by at least one member of the editorial team before being sent to the appropriate reviewers.

After receiving the editors' approval, the article is sent to reviewers. For each article, two reviewers from outside the author's home institution are appointed. The editorial team makes every effort to ensure that each reviewer is a person specializing in the subject of the submitted text. In special cases (especially if two reviews do not provide a clear answer regarding the recommendation or rejection of the article), a third reviewer may be appointed. The appointed reviewers have at least a doctoral degree.

The review process is carried out in the form of double-blind, where the authors and reviewers do not know each other's identity. Information about recommendations regarding articles and the reviewers’ opinions is known only to members of the editorial team and provided to the authors immediately after receiving the complete set of reviews. Authors and reviewers are also obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding the content of their correspondence.

After submitting comments, each reviewer indicates one of three possibilities:

1) approval of the article for publication in its current form;

2) approval for publication after introducing corrections;

3) not allowing the article for publication.

Reviewers primarily assess the article's compliance with the following criteria:

1) appropriateness of the title to the content of the article;

2) adequacy of the summary to the content of the article;

3) cognitive value/novelty of the text;

4) language accuracy;

5) knowledge and correct use of terminology;

6) logical cohesion of the text and correctness of the conclusions drawn;

7) correctness of the research methods used;

8) correct selection and use of sources.

In case of a decision to reject the text, the editors inform the author of this fact along with the justification.

The list of reviewers is published once a year on the journal's website.

The final decision on whether to accept an article for publication is made by the editorial team.