Learning in the process of civilisation

An attempt of pedagogical reading of selected themes in Norbert Elias’ theory


  • Monika Popow Pomorska Szkoła Wyższa




learning, Norbert Elias, pedagogy, civilization


The purpose of this article is to theorize the category of learning in light of the theory of N. Elias. In the first part, I interpret learning as a social process shaped by civilization, in which civilization and de-civilization tendencies are intertwined, including those related to moral panics concerning learning. In the next, I analyse the process of shaping the learner in a civilizational process that assumes gradual restraint of affect and anxiety as a disciplinary factor. The final part consists in a conclusion, summarizing the described analysis.


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How to Cite

Popow, M. (2023). Learning in the process of civilisation: An attempt of pedagogical reading of selected themes in Norbert Elias’ theory. Ars Educandi, 20(20), 107–122. https://doi.org/10.26881/ae.2023.20.06