Creation of Pedagogical Knowledge from the Perspective of the Archetypal Dimension of Masculinity and Femininity


  • Anna Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki



pedagogy, gender, femininity, masculinity, education


This article mostly focuses on answering the question: “Who creates what knowledge in pedagogical practice?”. In search of an answer to this question it was assumed that there existed a relationship between the archetypal dimension of femininity and masculinity in the development of the individual psyche and the type, structure and function of the pedagogical knowledge created, which involves the following aspects: it is always anthropological, axiological, and teleological knowledge, and knowledge which “works in practice”. The archetypal gender of those creating pedagogical knowledge, according to Jungian and post-Jungian psychology – is rooted in the unconsciousness – as real as the consciousness with which the process of knowledge creation is usually associated. The method of assimilating feminine and masculine features of the individual psyche development forms a deep layer of pedagogical knowledge with overlaps on the tangible reality of pedagogical actions – on the extra- and inter-personal relations (as well as on intropersonal ones). The assimilation complexities – usually set in cultural patterns – may consolidate ritual in the area of pedagogical actions – e.g. rituals of submission and submissiveness. The article also presents a hypothesis saying that immature forms of archetypal assimilations of femininity and masculinity prevent or restrict the entry to the road towards a critical consciousness of those creating pedagogical knowledge. In conclusions, it was proposed that empirical studies should include the areas determined by the main subject matter presented in the article.


English translation: Anna Moroz-Darska

Modernisation of the journal's operations and translation into the English language of articles published in Ars Educandi in 2012-2017 were financed with funds from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as a part of the task Science Promotion Activity (pl. DUN).

The task ‘The implementation of the editorial module on the platform of Uniwersyteckie Czasopisma Naukowe – a system facilitating the editing and management of the academic journal Ars Educandi‘ was financed as a part of contract 661/P-DUN/2018 of 12.06.2018 from funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education designated for the promotion of science.

The task ‘The creation of a modern online version of the academic journal Ars Educandi through the implementation of the publication module on the platform of Uniwersyteckie Czasopisma Naukowe and the handling of international indexing databases’ was financed as a part of contract 661/P-DUN/2018 of 12.06.2018 from funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education designated for the promotion of science.

The task ‘Preparation of the English language version of the last 6 annual issues (2012-2017) of the academic journal Ars Educandi and their publication online’ was financed as a part of contract 661/P-DUN/2018 of 12.06.2018 from funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education designated for the promotion of science.


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How to Cite

Walczak, A. (2012). Creation of Pedagogical Knowledge from the Perspective of the Archetypal Dimension of Masculinity and Femininity. Ars Educandi, (9), 152–174.