Critical contexts of the creation of knowledge at the border area between radical pedagogy and the contemporary engaged art (or what the analysis of modern art discourse and research into the category of disability may have in common)

what can combine the discourse analysis of contemporary art with research on the category of disability


  • Jolanta Rzeźnicka-Krupa University of Gdansk



egaged art, radical pedagogy, knowledge


This paper presents some considerations focused on the search for new areas of generating knowledge at the border between various disciplines, social life and culture. They are based on the thesis that there are some joint issues and common shared contents in the space of the critically-oriented pedagogy and contemporary art’s currents, which are defined as critical and politically involved. These issues, among others, refer to fact that both the field of art and the field of education are shaped by socio-cultural practices in which the symbolic representations and meanings are generated, so they both create some kind of knowledge. Learning about reality on the borders is especially directed at searching for interpretations breaking the dominated narratives constructed in the area of formal knowledge and transgressing the sphere of beliefs which consist of the professional, scientific discourse of a disabled body. As an exemplification, the author presents an analysis of meanings connected with the category of the impaired body/corporeality, based on some chosen works coming from A. Żmijewski’s An Eye for an Eye series [1998].


English translation: Anna Moroz-Darska

Modernisation of the journal's operations and translation into the English language of articles published in Ars Educandi in 2012-2017 were financed with funds from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as a part of the task Science Promotion Activity (pl. DUN).

The task ‘The implementation of the editorial module on the platform of Uniwersyteckie Czasopisma Naukowe – a system facilitating the editing and management of the academic journal Ars Educandi‘ was financed as a part of contract 661/P-DUN/2018 of 12.06.2018 from funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education designated for the promotion of science.

The task ‘The creation of a modern online version of the academic journal Ars Educandi through the implementation of the publication module on the platform of Uniwersyteckie Czasopisma Naukowe and the handling of international indexing databases’ was financed as a part of contract 661/P-DUN/2018 of 12.06.2018 from funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education designated for the promotion of science.

The task ‘Preparation of the English language version of the last 6 annual issues (2012-2017) of the academic journal Ars Educandi and their publication online’ was financed as a part of contract 661/P-DUN/2018 of 12.06.2018 from funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education designated for the promotion of science.


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How to Cite

Rzeźnicka-Krupa, J. (2012). Critical contexts of the creation of knowledge at the border area between radical pedagogy and the contemporary engaged art (or what the analysis of modern art discourse and research into the category of disability may have in common): what can combine the discourse analysis of contemporary art with research on the category of disability. Ars Educandi, (9), 191–205.