Presja edukacyjna a rozwój uzależnienia od uczenia się, uzależnienia od pracy oraz innych zaburzeń psychicznych




presja edukacyjna, psychopatologia, stres szkolny, uzależnienie od pracy, uzależnienie od uczenia się


The article presents the relationships between the pressure on school and academic achievements felt by pupils and students with the development of study addiction, work addiction and the progression of other mental disorders and phenomena from the area of psychopathology (such as suicide). The current state of knowledge on work addiction and study addiction was analyzed, and the similarities and differences between engagement in an activity (work or study) and addiction to this activity were discussed. In particular, the theoretical and practical importance of the conceptualization of the problems of the deteriorating mental health of the young generation in terms of addiction to work and study, as well as their relation to the obsession with socioeconomic success was presented.


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How to Cite

Atroszko, B., & Atroszko, P. A. (2020). Presja edukacyjna a rozwój uzależnienia od uczenia się, uzależnienia od pracy oraz innych zaburzeń psychicznych. Ars Educandi, 17(17), 11–39.