"Always on" generation - psychological and social functioning of teenage technology media users


  • Luiza Sendal-Jagusiak Ośrodek Profilaktyki i Terapii Uzależnień w Gdyni




technology, newmedia, youth, social support, quality of life


There is a number of negative consequences of improper use of mobile phones reported in the literature. On the other hand, technological progress opens up wide opportunities.
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the problematic use of a mobile phone by young people, social support and quality of life, as well as an attempt to answer the question whether young people accurately predict the time spent in front of the phone screen.
The study was attended by 453 people aged 16-19. In order to examin participants, a phonholism questionnaire, the Berlin Social Support Scales, KIDSCREEN-27 questionnaire and The QualityTime application was used.
The results of the research indicate a significant overestimation of the time spent by young people with the telephones. However, the declared time was a stronger predictor of phonholism. There is also a visible connection of excessive use of a smartphone with the search and demand for social support. The phone turns out to be a powerful tool for maintaining peer contacts. People who report more problems with using the telephone also report weaker results in learning and discomfort at school. There were no differences in physical well-being.


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How to Cite

Sendal-Jagusiak, L. (2020). "Always on" generation - psychological and social functioning of teenage technology media users. Ars Educandi, 17(17), 41–60. https://doi.org/10.26881/ae.2020.17.02