Negotiating a human . Viveiros de Castro – Descola – Turner


  • Adam Pisarek Uniwersytet Śląski


Słowa kluczowe:

animism, perspectivism, structuralism, posthumanism, ontological turn


The article offers an analysis of selected anthropological models transforming the semantic scope of what in the Western discourses of knowledge used to be considered the domain of human being. The text presents concepts developed by three anthropologists: Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Phillipe Descola and Terry S. Turner. Each conducted research among the indigenous people of South America, each invoked the structural imagination of Claude Lévi-Strauss and considered similar theoretical and methodological problems. The models developed by these Amazonianists will be examined based on the methods they use to expand the field of anthropological research and to reconfigure its conceptual framework. The aim of this article is to determine potential benefits and limitations resulting from applying these models in the study of culture.


Biogram autora

Adam Pisarek - Uniwersytet Śląski

PhD in Arts and Humanities, Assistant professor at the Institute of Culture Studies, the University of Silesia in Katowice . His research interests focus on contemporary Polish culture and the history of anthropological theories of culture .

E-mail: adam .pisarek@us .edu .pl


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Jak cytować

Pisarek, A. (2020). Negotiating a human . Viveiros de Castro – Descola – Turner. Etnografia. Praktyki, Teorie, Doświadczenia, (6), 49–66.