Spotkanie dwóch światów. O różnicach kulturowych w percepcji rzeczywistości



Słowa kluczowe:

cognitive anthropology, theory of reasoning, Peruvian Amazon, auditory perception, anthropology of the senses


In this essay, I present and analyze differences in the perception of the world by two people who are representatives of two different cultures and societies. The first one is the anthro- pologist Fernando Santos-Granero and the second is a man from the Amazonian Yanesha group named Matar. Focusing on the description of a specific event that happened during the ethnographic fieldwork, I deal with the differences in its interpretation. Referring to the interactionist theory of reasoning proposed by Dan Sperber and Hugo Mercier and on Anil Seth’s research on perception, I assume that these differences are the result of each person’s individually shaped perceptions and ways of reasoning. In this paper I seek to explain how perception and reasoning influence the formation of representations that arise in the human mind in relation to cultural as well as environmental phenomena.


Biogram autora

Sara Szweda - Uniwersytet Gdański

Antropolożka kulturowa, absolwentka etnologii w Instytucie Antropologii Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. Zainteresowania: antropologia Amazonii, animizm, antropologia medyczna, ziołolecznictwo, tradycyjne metody uzdrawiania.


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Jak cytować

Szweda, S. (2022). Spotkanie dwóch światów. O różnicach kulturowych w percepcji rzeczywistości. Etnografia. Praktyki, Teorie, Doświadczenia, (8), 255–261.



Materiały, Praktyki, Głosy