Rada Państw Morza Bałtyckiego w kontekście europejskich ugrupowań integracyjnych


  • Ewa Bujwid‑Kurek


The article titled “The Council of the Baltic Sea States in the context of the European integration groups” is devoted to establishing the position of the Council of the Baltic Sea States among the European integration groups: the Central European Initiative, the Visegrad Group, CEFTA and the Weimar Triangle. It is confirmed that the Council of the Baltic Sea States: firstly, started its activity is early 90’s of the 20th century similarly to other groups; secondly, in comparison with the groups in question, consists of more countries, not only stricte belonging to the Baltic region, which also includes the affiliated countries; thirdly, unlike any other, the Council of the Baltic Sea States is experienced by the transfer of objectives, namely the change of the objective at the beginning (means: while forming) and ending up with its present articulation (from ecology to the fight against the organized crime); fourthly, it is observed that certain changes are taking place; they concern their initial declaration that they will preserve a loose and informal structure, and now have a tendency to formalize and institutionalize it, the proof of which may be establishing a Secretary Office, which works on a permanent base, to deal with the office work. Other groups are characterized by a loose organizational structure, where the organizational forms are most often summits with the participation of their high rank national representatives, namely presidents, prime ministers, ministers of foreign affairs or ministers in charge of European affairs (represented by the high rank officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of particular countries). Therefore, the Council of the Baltic Sea States acts not only regardless of the already existing integration of the belonging countries, but it is also open to parties interested in the affiliation in matters particularly raised to the level of priorities: the nuclear and radiation safety, economic cooperation and the fight against the organized crime.


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Jak cytować

Bujwid‑Kurek, E. (2014). Rada Państw Morza Bałtyckiego w kontekście europejskich ugrupowań integracyjnych. Gdańskie Studia Międzynarodowe, 12(1-2), 11–23. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/gsm/article/view/3028


