Ruch na rzecz niepodległej Ingrii – walka narodu o samostanowienie czy postmodernistyczna maskarada?


  • Przemysław Sieradzan Uniwersytet Gdański

Słowa kluczowe:

Russian Federation, separatism, Finno-Ugric nations, Ingria, Finland, regionalism, ethnic identity


Ingria is a fascinating region with a rich tradition and a very complex history, still inhabited by ancestors of both indigenous people and Finnish settlers. The rebirth of ethnic identity of Finno-Ugric minorities in Russian Federation is fostered by cooperation with Finnish authorities. The contemporary “Free Ingermanland” movement adheres to the history of Ingria and the concept of Finno-Ugric unity. However, it seems to be rather an post-modern movement of Russian nationalists based Sankt-Petersburg than a genuine ethnic separatist movement. There are no premises that would justify connecting “Free Ingermanland” movement with the history and culture of Ingria or any other of the Finno-Ugric regionalist and separatist movements in Russia.


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Jak cytować

Sieradzan, P. (2014). Ruch na rzecz niepodległej Ingrii – walka narodu o samostanowienie czy postmodernistyczna maskarada?. Gdańskie Studia Międzynarodowe, 12(1-2), 112–121. Pobrano z


