Dychotomia społeczeństwa Litwy w kontekście zmian w systemie oświaty


  • Agata Włodarska

Słowa kluczowe:

Lithuania, education, systemic changes, education law, national minorities


The purpose of this article is to highlight changes in the education system in Lithuania which were introduced in new education law on 17 March 2011. New regulations have resulted in the relentless conflict in Lithuanian society. Representatives of national minorities whose rights to education in the national language are clearly limited, keep an open polemic with the government. The aim of taken actions is to change restrictive, according to Poles, law on education. The new regulations introduce a an equal Lithuanian language exam for all students, both those attending Lithuanian and non‑Lithuanian schools. In addition, education in Lithuanian language is compulsory for minority students minority schools, the number of subjects taught in Lithuanian language is increasing at every level of education. The article indicates a dichotomous situation in Lithuanian society in the context of changes in the education system. Representatives of national minorities fighting for their rights, have been organizing numerous protests and demonstrations which affect a visible division in the society. Last parliamentary elections in Lithuania, in October 2012, brought changes in Seimas. “Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania” was invited to government, and therefore demands of minorities are more articulate, including the sensitive aspects of school education.


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Jak cytować

Włodarska, A. (2014). Dychotomia społeczeństwa Litwy w kontekście zmian w systemie oświaty. Gdańskie Studia Międzynarodowe, 12(1-2), 136–146. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/gsm/article/view/3041


