Irena Szumilewicz-Lachman – figure and thought


  • Ewa Szumilewicz IFiS PAN, Gdańsk


Irena Szumilewicz-Lachman, beauty, truth, simplicity, Poncarẻ, the arrow of time, cosmology


Irena Szumilewicz dealt with the philosophy of science, philosophy of nature, methodology of natural science and history of science. She investigated conventionalism, mainly on the basis of the achievements of Henri Poncarẻ. Her comments and analysis on the nature of time, and more broadly the philosophy of cosmology were original and innovative. They contained in her work on the direction of the passage of time. They strongly emphasized the role of the category of beauty and truth as well as good sense on the Socratic method, while clarifying word category. Particular emphasis on the researcher placed an issue of moral responsibility of a scientist. In her private life the category of beauty was close to the philosopher.


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How to Cite

Szumilewicz, E. (2018). Irena Szumilewicz-Lachman – figure and thought. Karto-Teka Gdańska, (2(3), 76–86. Retrieved from



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