Assesssment of speech-prosody quality in implanted prelingually and postlingually deaf adults


  • Helena Liwo Ateneum-University in Gdansk



prosody, prelingual and postlingual deafness, cochlear impant


In a language statement, prosodic elements (accent, melody and quantity) play the fundamental communicative role. Limited prosodic skills of a person with major hearing disability can influence its communicative functions. The state-of-the-art cochlear implants enable the individuals who suffer from major hearing disabilities to develop their hearing and language skills which are, however, not always extended to the prosodic dimension. As follows from the research presented here, the period of hearing loss and the moment of cochlear implantation are significant in using prosody by deaf persons in speech. For the successful acquisition of prosodic  fficiency, it is necessary to direct the rehabilitation measures that follow cochlear implantation at the early prosodic activity of prelingually deaf children and at intensified prosodic training of prelingually deaf adults.


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How to Cite

Liwo, H. . (2019). Assesssment of speech-prosody quality in implanted prelingually and postlingually deaf adults. Disability , (34), 26–37.