Current life satisfaction and marital satisfaction in the relationships with a partner with Asperger’s Syndrome


  • Agnieszka Łaba-Hornecka University of Rzeszów


autism spectrum disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, life satisfaction, marital satisfaction


The aim of the analyzes was to show the relationship between the current life satisfaction and marital satisfaction in relationships between women without disability and men diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome. This goal was achieved in the context of comparison with the group of marriages of both partners without disability. A total of 120 people were tested. The hypothesis was confirmed in some aspects. It turns out that in the studied marriages, in which the partner was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, in a group of women without disability no statistically significant correlations were found between life satisfaction and marital satisfaction in any of the following categories: self-fulfillment, intimacy, disappointment and similarity. However, in the group of men with AS, correlation analysis revealed statistically significant relationships between life satisfaction and marital satisfaction in only one category, i.e. self-fulfillment. Perhaps the men with AS see marriage as a way for life, love and work. They also appreciate having a child that strengthens the sense of security. The analyzes carried out in this publication and the conclusions drawn on their basis are not free from specific restrictions caused e.g. by the significant diversity of the group of men with AS mainly in terms of the severity of autistic traits, psychosocial conditions prevailing in marriages and the personal and shared experiences of the spouses. The results of the research presented in this study can be a valuable basis for further undertakings within this area.


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How to Cite

Łaba-Hornecka, A. (2020). Current life satisfaction and marital satisfaction in the relationships with a partner with Asperger’s Syndrome . Disability - Discourses of Special Education, (38), 186–204. Retrieved from