The Sense of Happiness of Parents of Children with Intellectual Disabilities


  • Anna Porczyńska-Ciszewska University of Silesia in Katowice


intellectual disability, experiencing happiness, mental well-being, special needs parenting


The article presents the analysis of the problem of sense of happiness of parents of children with disabilities, especially intellectual disabilities, which is often ignored in source literature. The vast majority of works concerning intellectual disability take a negative approach, mostly focusing on the problems faced by families of persons with intellectual disabilities, their deficits, diseases and disorders resulting from the disabilities. Therefore, this study emphasizes the need to concentrate on the theory of disability, as well as on research and practice, including the positive aspects of disability. It also highlights the fact that mental well-being plays an extremely important motivational role, because it is not really the result of life experiences but it actually determines those experiences and actions, as well as their effects. The sense of happiness plays a very important role in coping with various situations, including the situation of having a child with intellectual disability. It seems to determine the ability to cope with difficulties resulting from this situation, and thus, it affects the efficiency of the process of rehabilitation of a child with intellectual disability. The article points to the issue of the sense of happiness of parents of children with intellectual disabilities, emphasizing the possibility to apply, both in theory and in educational practice, the assumptions of positive psychology as the condition of optimization and functioning of people with intellectual disabilities and their families.


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How to Cite

Porczyńska-Ciszewska, A. (2020). The Sense of Happiness of Parents of Children with Intellectual Disabilities . Disability , (38), 266–280. Retrieved from