Successful ageing women with spinal cord injury


  • Agnieszka Gabryś The Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin


successful ageing, women with spinal cord injury, women with physical disability, ageing women with physical disability, women, aging


This article addresses the issue of successful ageing in women with spinal cord injury. Successful ageing, due to it is multidimensionality, has been variously conceptualised in the literature. It is a complex concept and requires reference to a number of psychological, social or biological processes as mutually conditioning. In the context of people with physical disability, the term has been around from recently and encompasses the use of psychological resources, health care and social support to live in accordance with one's values in the context of one's disability. In the characterise functioning of ageing women with spinal cord injury, attention were paid to the changes, difficulties and challenges they experience in terms of their gender and disability. Actions to improve the functioning of these women in the context of successful ageing are highlighted. The few studies about the functioning of ageing women with spinal cord injury allowed only hinted at certain aspects.


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How to Cite

Gabryś, A. (2022). Successful ageing women with spinal cord injury . Disability , (45-46), 20–38. Retrieved from


