Speech therapy of patients after COVID-19 infection


  • Ewa Gacka University of Lodz


COVID-19, impact of the disease, long-COVID syndrome, speech and language therapy, language communication disorders, voice disorders, disorders of primary speech activities


COVID-19 infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus leads to multiple consequences. As a result, damage and irregularities in the function of various organs and systems (respiratory, circulatory, digestive or nervous) may occur. Patients who have been infected with the pathogen may experience persistent symptoms known as "long-COVID syndrome." For some people, getting sick with COVID-19 means difficulties in returning to functioning from before the period of infection, as well as a significant deterioration in the quality of life. Research on the long-term effects of the disease is ongoing, but the analyses that have already been carried out show that some patients require rehabilitation conducted in interdisciplinary teams. In the article, the author justifies the need to include speech therapists in these teams. She also answers the question: why and what kind of speech therapy help might patients need after COVID-19 infection? She presents general directions of rehabilitation of language communication disorders, voice, primary speech activities in people who have undergone infection.


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How to Cite

Gacka, E. (2022). Speech therapy of patients after COVID-19 infection . Disability - Discourses of Special Education, (45-46), 99–112. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/niepelnosprawnosc/article/view/7350


