Sense of coherence a job satisfaction of special educators and teachers


  • Monika Węglarz-Masłowska Pedagogical University of Krakow


sense of coherence, special educator, teacher, job satisfaction


Work is one of the key activities of adults while job satisfaction is conditioned by many factors inherent in the employee and the environment. The subject of consideration in this article is the relationship between the sense of coherence and job satisfaction of special educators and teachers. Both occupational groups belong to assistance professions, although the specificity of their work is varied. The work of a special educator is particularly exposed to factors that reduce the level of job satisfaction. These include difficult student behavior, relationships with parents and other teachers, and inadequate pay. The sense of coherence is considered one of the factors inherent in an individual that influences coping with stress. Experiencing long-term professional stress can have an adverse effect on job satisfaction and even lead to burnout. 54 special educators and 30 teachers took part in the research. The article consists of three parts. The first characterizes the concept of job satisfaction and sense of coherence in the context of the work of a special educator and a teacher. The second part presents the basics of own research and the results obtained. The last part is a summary and the comparison of the obtained results with other research reports. The presented results are a part of a broader exploration of occupational burnout and its determinants in the studied groups.


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How to Cite

Węglarz-Masłowska, M. (2022). Sense of coherence a job satisfaction of special educators and teachers. Disability , (47), 75–87. Retrieved from


