The Manaki Brothers. The Chroniclers of the “Third” Europe



Słowa kluczowe:

Manaki Brothers, Early Cinema, European Cinema, Documentary Film


At the time of the birth of cinema at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, one more area was created on the cultural map of Europe, next to the West and the East. In the heart of this “third” Europe, under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, worked famous photographers of Wallachian origin, Janaki and Milton Manaki, their film work made them famous in the early 20th century as pioneers of “Balkan cinema”. Most of the films that have survived to this day were made in the Ottoman period. They are a testimony of everyday life as well as important events that influenced the course of the history of the region. The study of the life and work of the Manaki brothers seems to be dominated by the least important aspect, that is, the question of their origin and nationality. Their films are included in many national cinema discourses in the Balkans, from North Macedonia, through Greece, Romania, to Albania and Turkey. This article, representing a synthesis of brighter research, is, on the one hand, an attempt to organize (objective) knowledge about the lives and works of the Manaki brothers, and on the other hand, an in-depth introduction to their film work.


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Films About the Manaki Brothers

Camera number 300 (Kamera broj 300, 1958, dir. Branko Ranitović,).

The Life and Work of the Manakias Brothers (Η ζωή και το έργο τον αδελφών Μανάκια, 1988, dir. Nikos Antonakos) Manakia Brothers (Αδελφοί Μανάκια, 1988, dir. Costas Andritsos).

Odysseus’ Gaze (Το βλέμμα του Οδυσσέα, 1995, dir. Theo Angelopoulos).

The Manakia Brothers – Pioneers of the Balkans (Fratii Manakia – pionierii din Balcani, 1995, dir. Manuela Tanase).

The Manakia Brothers (Fratii Manakia, 2002, dir. Sabina Pop).

The Homers of the Balkan film – the Manakia Brothers (Homerët e filmit ballkanik – vëllezërit Manaqi, 2011, dir. Petrit Ruka).

Manaki Brothers. Diary of a long look back (Frații Manakia. Jurnalul unei lungi priviri înapoi, 2016, dir. Eliza Zdru).

A Story in Photographs (Манаки- Приказна во слики, 2017/18, dir. Robert Jankuloski).

The Manaki Brothers (Manaki Kardeşler, 2019, TRT 2). Turkus – The first filmmakers from the Balkans the Manaki Brothers (Turkuaz - Balkanların İlk Sinemacıları Manaki Kardeşler, 2020, TRT Avaz).



Jak cytować

Guštin, M. (2023). The Manaki Brothers. The Chroniclers of the “Third” Europe . Panoptikum, (30), 11–32.