A Future Archive of Identity. Stories and Tropes of Contemporary Slovak Nonfiction Cinema




Słowa kluczowe:

Slovak documentary cinema, history, collective memory, archive, socio-political realities, memory studies, new historicism, poetic tropes


The study focuses on cinematic reflection of the post-1989 history of Slovakia as the most recent layer of communicative memory closely related to the formation of the country’s modern identity. Its aim is to explore what image nonfiction films create for the future of the present reality. Therefore, it examines what rhetorical and narrative tropes documentary filmmakers use to construct knowledge about the socio-political reality.


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Jak cytować

Mišíková, K. (2023). A Future Archive of Identity. Stories and Tropes of Contemporary Slovak Nonfiction Cinema. Panoptikum, (30), 81–99. https://doi.org/10.26881/pan.2023.30.05