Klastry filmowe jako nowy sposób organizacji produkcji audiowizualnej


  • Krzysztof Stachowiak Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


The paper aims to analyse film clusters as a spatial form of the organisation of audio-visual production. Audio-visual industries, including film production companies, show a distinct tendency to spatial concentration and forming clusters. Film clusters are specialised assemblies in which audio-visual material is produced, i.e. films, TV programmes, serials, etc. Cooperation within a film cluster brings many benefits to its entities since it ensures them a space favourable to creative work. Because of the so-called spill-over effects, the advantages following from their cooperation can also be felt in other sectors of economy. This is the case because the dynamic environment of creative clusters has strong links with related industries with which it usually shares creative capital – a common pool of talents. The paper explains the concept of cluster and shows the benefits of clustering for the film industry. Then, it analyses the distinctive features of a film cluster and explores them empirically on the example of a film cluster in London.


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Jak cytować

Stachowiak, K. (2016). Klastry filmowe jako nowy sposób organizacji produkcji audiowizualnej. Panoptikum, (16), 38–57. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/panoptikum/article/view/174


