Etnografia w badaniach filmu i kultury produkcji


  • Iwona Morozow Uniwersytet Wrocławski


Using the ethnographic field methods in visual anthropology as a useful tool to understand and describe the process of filmmaking is a well-known practise. Of course, most of this research usually deals with a small, local production. But in fact there are also a few cases of implication of ethnography for the study of the mainstream cinema outside of the mentioned subdiscipline. Giving an examples of anthropologists and others who considered field research as a possible method to study film and production culture the author tries to look at possible gains but also problems associated with using ethnography in the film related research. What is more, the author pays attention not only to critical reading of given literature but also focuses on promising new perspectives which could strengthen and diversify the association of anthropology and film studies.


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Jak cytować

Morozow, I. (2016). Etnografia w badaniach filmu i kultury produkcji. Panoptikum, (16), 58–66. Pobrano z


