Wokół mitu wolności w internecie


  • Helena Draganik Uniwersytet Gdański


The text regards the freedom of information on the Internet, basing on the fact that it evolved to the level of mass media from a stage of a network dedicated to serving the academic purposes and promoting scientific knowledge. In the effect of intensive development and massification it was commercialised and subjected to laws that apply to all mass media – including the need to regulate its content. Meanwhile, the public expectations regarding the freedom of information which arose in the early years of the Internet have hardly changed: the myth of the free Internet is still widespread. The text analyses the functioning of the mythology of the freedom of the Internet among its users. It also refers to the freedom of information on the Internet in the twenty-first century.


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Draganik, H. (2016). Wokół mitu wolności w internecie. Panoptikum, (16), 272–288. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/panoptikum/article/view/189